The SCC is dedicated to educating the world about the importance of protecting and preserving marine wildlife. Together through outreach and a belief in conservation we can achieve sustainability.



About us

Find out about our organization, our mission, and the results of our advocacy.

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What we do

The educational element of our program was designed to tutor and assist all age groups to meet an education standard in the following core academic subjects: shark anatomy, species identification, history and evolution, tooth identification, and organism ecology. Click on the link to learn more about our educational program.

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Are you curious what it would be like to swim with a shark? Watch our video below to get a first person experience of one of our shark encounters. We invite you to join us on our next unforgettable underwater adventure! 

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Our Mission

Our mission is to introduce the concept of oceanic respect on an international level, to ensure that the oceans of our world are treated with respect and protected on a permanent basis.  We plan to accomplish this through education, especially through youth education, as well as research and outreach programs.  It is our hope that our efforts will benefit the natural world for many years to come.

Organization Information

The Shark Conservation Center (SCC) was originally created by Students at Eckerd College, located in St. Petersburg, Florida.  This undergraduate program provides Students with service learning hours, higher education, and scuba diving certifications, as well as communication and team-building skills. This program benefits both our community and our Students by providing the opportunity to reflect upon what the Students have learned and taught to both children and adults. 

Some of Earth's most magnificent organisms are threatened by over-fish, shark fin industry, pollution, and the general public's own sense of fear. The SCC is one of many "shark-focused" groups contributing to improving sustainability and global health. We aim to provide a lending hand to our community and to our environment.

Thank you for visiting our website. We have a long road ahead of us to achieve a higher standard of education, but with the help of our community, anything is possible. If there are any remaining questions, comments, or thoughts you would like to share we are pleased to listen. We thank you again for showing your interest in what we do and have a blessed day.

With great appreciation,

The Shark Conservation Center

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