Here's just a small sampling of the projects that we have been working on over the years.

Our adventures with the FSYR and their wonderful families. These kids are great and we're looking forward to all the adventures yet to come. May we have many more fun times together.

Our adventures with the FSYR and their wonderful families. These kids are great and we're looking forward to all the adventures yet to come. May we have many more fun times together.

the florida sheriff youth ranch

Youth programs with underprivileged kids.  We have been working with this organization for a year


The SCC Education Department understands to importance of teaching children about ocean conservation and shark conservation. We lend our helping hand to community in sight of a clean and sustainable future.

The SCC Education Department understands to importance of teaching children about ocean conservation and shark conservation. We lend our helping hand to community in sight of a clean and sustainable future.

Sunken gardens

Youth programs for the public.


We had a great time teaching at SharkCon! Thank you to all the wonderful people who attended and provided donations for us to continue this charity

We had a great time teaching at SharkCon! Thank you to all the wonderful people who attended and provided donations for us to continue this charity

shark con